
“We Cooked Together... We Served Equality”

The event “Cooking Together... Serving Equality”, which was co-organized by the Municipality of Rhodes with Ms. Evdokia Apostolid-Patta, Municipal Counselor for Primary Sector, Ecology and Gender Equality, as well as the executives of the Women's Advisory Center of the Municipality of Rhodes, Europe Direct of South Aegean of ANDO S.A. with the President Mr. Frangakis Evangelos, and Emfasis Non-Profit (within the framework of the EmfaSEAs Programme with a donation from the Athina I. Martinou Foundation).

The event, which was open to the general public, was accompanied by male and female Chefs of the Dodecanese and Cyclades Chefs Club, who cooked together the “Spaghetti of Equality”.

More specifically, the chefs set up a vibrant kitchen, showering the audience with colors, aromas and flavors. Attendees tasted the delicious spaghetti of the chefs for free and at the same time were informed about the services provided by the structures. The pasta was accompanied by soft drinks and sweets.

At the same time, the Philharmonic of the Municipality of Rhodes positively enhanced this event with its rich repertoire, setting the pace and giving beautiful moments to the attendees.

It is worth noting that several portions of the pasta were offered to our homeless citizens and more specifically to the beneficiaries of the Homeless Structures of the Municipality of Rhodes, with the contribution of Emfasis Non-Profit (within the framework of the EmfaSEAs Programme with a donation from the Athina I. Martinou Foundation) and Europe Direct of South Aegean of AN.DO S.A.

The aim of the event was to remove the socially constructed stereotypes between the sexes, which govern all aspects of social life, such as economic and social activity, education and work, the separation of professions into male and female. The ultimate goal was the eradication of minds/perceptions about the “nature” and “roles” of both sexes in the family and everyday life, as well as the dismantling of the model that the kitchen is feminine.

This action is part of a general framework for informing and raising awareness of the local community, with the aim of transmitting a message of Gender Equality, as well as preventing and addressing the phenomenon of violence in its gender dimension.

We would like to express special thanks to DOPAR and the musicians of the Philharmonic of the Municipality of Rhodes for their presence, to the Municipal Community of Rhodes and the Directorate of Medieval City for the offer of the venue, to the President Mr. Christoforou, the cashier Mr. Stergakis, the members Mr. Liakis and Mr. Paragio and the Chefs Mr. Klonari, Mr. Litsi, Ms. Skoulikariti of the Club of Chefs Club of Dodecanese and Cyclades Chefs Club for their wonderful creations.

Source: Municipality of Rhodes

