
Meeting of Vice Chancellor of Planning, Administrative and Student Affairs Mr. Dimitris Mylonakis and the representatives of the Civil Non-Profit Company Emfasis

Meeting of Vice Chancellor of Planning, Administrative and Student Affairs Mr. Dimitris Mylonakis and the representatives of the Civil Non-Profit Company Emfasis Non-Profit

Press Release

A meeting was held between Vice Chancellor of Planning, Administrative and Student Affairs Mr. Dimitris Mylonakis and the representatives of the Civil Non-Profit Emfasis, Mrs. Maria Karra and Giorgos Chrysanthidis.

Emfasis Non-Profit is a private initiative of people, who for the last 10 years have had a permanent presence in the field, applying the Methodology of Social Streetwork (Social Work on the Street). The goal of Emfasis Non-Profit is to support, relieve and empower our vulnerable fellow human beings, who experience or are threatened by homelessness or living below the poverty line. From March 2023 and for one year Emfasis Non-Profit special teams record needs, plan programs and travel to four island regions of Greece, implementing a National Scope & Benefit Programme, entitled EmfaSeas, which is implemented with the donation of Athina I. Martinou Foundation.

Within the framework of the Programme EmfaSeas*, discussed the possibility of joint actions & synergies with the volunteer groups of the University of Crete, for the relief and support of socially vulnerable groups, in the first phase in the prefectures of Heraklion and Rethymno.

Source: University of Crete

