
The EmfaSEAs Programme travels to Crete with the aim of eradicating violence against women

Important actions in Heraklion

Since 2018 Emfasis Non-Profit has contributed with two Mobile Support Units to the relief of those affected by natural disasters (Mati, Mantra Attikis, V. Evia, Heraklion Crete). From March 2023 with the 1st National Scope & Benefit Programme EmfaSEAs, implemented with a donation from the Athina I. Martinou Foundation, travels throughout Greece sharing Streetwork methodology to professionals & volunteers and promoting the values of volunteering.

There will be several events this week and next, while two of them are addressed to the general public and are the following:

On Thursday, November 16, 2023, at the 1st Public Information Action, an “Information Campaign on Violence & Abuse” will be held by Emfasis Non-Profit and the Municipal Equality Committee of Heraklion, in cooperation with the Women's Hospitality Hostel of the Municipality of Heraklion, the Advisory Center of Heraklion of KETHI and the Association of Women's Associations Heraklion & N. Heraklion.

The aim of the campaign is to raise awareness needed to eliminate harassment and violence at all levels.

The intervention will be divided into two parts:

From 11:00 a.m. to 14:00 p.m. in front of the Vikelaia Municipal Library, there will be an information stand, while on-site interventions and distribution of information leaflets will be held, in stores of the center, to inform the public and trade professionals.

At 18:00 at the Youth Center of the Municipality of Heraklion (Androgeo 4), there will be a two-hour informational meeting on the topic: “Cases of domestic violence & abuse of women- Methods of identification of victims.”

The 2nd Action for the Public is on Tuesday, November 21, 2023, at the Open Day organized by Emfasis Non-Profit with the theme “Emfasis in Human — Giving, Volunteering, Cooperation”. The venue is held at the Cultural Conference Center of Heraklion, in the “Experimental Theatre” Hall.

From 12.00pm to 20.00pm, representatives of Institutions and Organizations, will have the opportunity to inform the community about: their services, the broad concept of social exclusion, the value of volunteering as well as other broader issues related to stigma, marginalization and “self-stigmatization” of vulnerable social groups.

At the same time, they will get in touch and get to know other agencies and services in Crete, while the opportunities, challenges and difficulties that actors face on a daily basis in their work will be discussed in greater detail.

About Emfasis Non-Profit: (Civil Non-Profit Organization)

It has been active steadily since 2013 supporting people in homelessness, the chronically unemployed, families below the poverty line, socially vulnerable young people, socially excluded elderly people at risk of imminent homelessness or in a state of road*.

Within the framework of the Social Streetwork methodology, trained human resources (psychologists, sociologists, social workers, etc.) work daily on the streets of Athens and the wider Attica, surrounded by a network of trained volunteers. Emfasis Non-Profit's core services include the provision of basic necessities, mental health first aid and personalized psychosocial support.

The operation of the organization remains independent of national and/or European resources, and is supported exclusively by donations from individuals, companies & foundations.

About the Athina I. Martinou Foundation

The Athina I. Martinou Foundation was founded with the aim of supporting non-profit organizations active in Greece as well as the implementation of the Scholarship Program. The Foundation's charitable activities have a nationwide reach and cross-sectoral coverage, with emphasis on issues related to the sea. In particular, the Foundation makes donations in the fields of social welfare, health, education, culture and the environment, and scholarships with a dominant theme of the sea. The Foundation does not make donations to individual natural persons (an exception is the Scholarship Program).

Source: Crete Live News

